Welcome to your first Sunday Challenge of the summer.
The Sunday challenge is where I ask you to do skill work, or perhaps complete some ridiculous number of reps of some movement. For this one, I'm asking both. This week's challenge is:
Complete up to 100 pushups.
You have all day to complete the challenge. This is NOT timed. I want you to focus on form, and here are the standards:
1) Arms begin at full extension
2) Chest and hips touch the ground at the same time
3) Reps may be done from the full plank position, or from the knees
Remember, this is skill work, NOT A TEST. I'm not interested in how studly you are, I want you working on your form. So, my advice is to do about half as many as you think you can do in one set, then rest up to an hour, then do it again, and repeat several times throughout the day. For the fitness geeks out there, we're starting to train muscle fiber recruitment, not contractile potential. If you don't know what that means, forget I said it. :)
Post number of reps completed to comments.
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