Tuesday, July 30, 2013

WOD 7/31/13

A great big "HEY THERE" to our blog followers in Russia, China, and Australia. If you cats are ever in the U.S., look us up.

Down to business. :)

Warmups as normal, then:

3 Rounds for time:
400m Run
30 Squats
20 Pushups

Finish with  4 minute Old World Squat hold and PNF hamstring stretch.

Post time to comments.

Sunday, July 28, 2013

WOD 7/29/13

It's going to be a nice day, so let's run.

First, warmups as normal, then a 2 part workout.

Part 1: Slow pushups, 5x5
Each rep takes 6 seconds, 2 going down, 1 second hold, 2 going up, 1 second hold. 60 seconds rest between sets.

Part 2: 400m Run x 4 Rounds

Post your slowest round to comments.

I keep hearing that girls aren't supposed to be strong. These ladies disagree.

Thursday, July 25, 2013

WOD 7/26/13

Howdy-Ho, folks. Time for some mental toughness training. :)

Warmups as usual, with a little frog stand practice.


For time:
Sprint 50m
20 Pushups
20 Squats
20 Situps
Sprint 100m
15 Pushups
15 Squats
15 Situps
Sprint 150m
10 Pushups
10 Squats
10 Situps
Sprint 200m
5 Pushups
5 Squats
5 Situps

We'll all be doing this together, as a group. Should be both chaotic and fun :)

Post time to comments.

Notice Nicole's squat mechanics that allow her to maintain a large weight overhead. When she fails, it's not her squat that fails, even at 123lbs.

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

WOD 7/24/13

All right folks, let's try this again. I'll be there, promise. :)

Warmups as usual, then......

"Friday Night Lights"
1 minute Pushups for reps
1 minute Squats for reps
30 seconds rest
1 minute Tire Jumps for reps
1 minute Walking Lunges for reps
30 seconds rest
400m flat-out run

Post reps and run time to comments.

Here's another one from the Kavadlo brothers:

Sunday, July 21, 2013

WOD 7/22/13

New week, new awesome effort. Bring friends. :)

Warmups as usual, then......

"Friday Night Lights"
1 minute Pushups for reps
1 minute Squats for reps
30 seconds rest
1 minute Tire Jumps for reps
1 minute Walking Lunges for reps
30 seconds rest
400m flat-out run

Post reps and run time to comments.

Who says bodyweight workouts don't make you strong? These two brothers train only with bodyweight. Check them out. :)

Thursday, July 18, 2013

WOD 7/

Sorry, the numbers on my computer aren't working. Weird.

Warmups: Group jog and static holds
Skill work: Burpees(you knew they were coming) :)

7 Minutes of burpees

Afterward, Old World Squat work.

Post reps to comments.

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

WOD 7/17/13

Going to be a decent day, but drink lots of water about an hour before coming out, then lots of water when you get home.

Warmups, same old same old

3 Rounds for time:
400m Run
Max reps pushups

Post time and total pushups to comments.

Sunday, July 14, 2013

WOD 7/15/13

OK folks, weather should be with us this time, so we get to run. :)

Warmup: Static Holds, Slow Pushups

4x400m run

Rounds will start every 3 minutes, so it pays to be fast. The faster your 400m time, the more rest you get between rounds.

Post fastest round to comments.

Thursday, July 11, 2013

WOD 7/12/13

We're back! Track time again, 9am :)

ANNOUNCEMENT: I will be holding Saturday morning workouts every weekend from now on at South Lakes Drive Park in Reston. We'll start at 8am and we'll be working bodyweight exercises and kettlebells. Tell your friends and family. No charge.

Warmup with static holds
5x5 Slow Pushups

4x400m Run

 Rounds will start every 3 minutes. The faster you are, the more rest you get between rounds, so don't slack. :)

Post fastest round to comments.

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

HOME WOD 7/10/2013

Hey all,

Still teaching the jazz camp in MD. I'll be back on Friday.

Warmups on your own, but a run wouldn't hurt. :)

120 Squats for time.
Every time you break to rest your legs/posterior chain, do 10 pushups.

Post time and number of pushup breaks to comments.

Sunday, July 7, 2013

HOME WOD 7/8/13

Hey all,

I'm in Maryland on Monday and Wednesday, teaching a jazz camp, so these are home workouts. Don't come to the track, unless you just love the place. :)

Warmups: Dealer's choice, but make sure to get your heart going. Use a jump rope if you have one, or do a couple laps around the block.

10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1 reps for time:

Do 10 each the first round, 9 the second, and so forth until you're done.

Post time to comments.


Thursday, July 4, 2013


Time to get ready for the 2013 Field Show, and I'm here to help. :)

This blog will be here to chronicle the workouts, and will serve as a workout log for those who want to track their progress.

WOD(workout of the day) 7/5/2013

Warmup with:
Static Holds
Squat therapy at the concession stand


3 Rounds for time:
Run 400m
10 pushups
15 squats

Post time(and style of pushups) to comments

We will repeat this workout at our last summer session, for comparison.

Pushups(makes you wish you lived in California):