Sunday, August 5, 2012

WOD 8/6/2012

Time for your first repeat. :)

After warmups, here's your workout.

For time:
3 Rounds of
400m Run
10 Pushups
15 Squats

Post time to comments. Compare to 7/27/2012

Here's another of my favorite CF'ers, Julie Foucher

Friday, August 3, 2012


This is going up early because I'll be in Cinci all weekend, and not at a computer. Here goes:

Run 5k

Yep, you heard that right. Go to and map out a 5k(3.1 mile) route, and run it. Pre-hydrate with about 30-60 ounces of water an hour or two before the run, and go for it. Don't forget to time yourself :)

Post time to comments.


Time for some research. Here's your challenge:

Go to, open an account(it's free) and log your food for today. At the bottom of your food log you will be able to see how much protein, carbohydrate, and fat you ate that day. Notice that I didn't mention calories. I don't care about calories, I care about protein, carbohydrate, and fat. If you're trying to lose weight, it will be very difficult with carbs above 100g, and very easy with carbs below 50g.

Also, at the bottom of your log there will be a pie chart showing the percentages of macronutrients you consume. Don't be surprised if you get 50-60% fat eating the way I suggest. It happens all the time, and for most people it works very well, even for losing weight. Fat doesn't make you fat, excess carbohydrate makes you fat.

Post macronutrient numbers and ratios (and thoughts) to comments.

The Carbohydrate Curve

WOD 8/3/2012

The question was asked about workouts next week. Yes, we're on. Leadership doesn't start until noon, so we'll have opportunity for plenty of people to do the wod. Guard and drum kids will be working on the show.

Also, I said there'd be a twist to today's workout, but I'm saving it for Monday :)

After warmups:
5 Rounds for time:
400m Run Max Pushups

Do not game the pushups. Keep going until you think the next one will fail, then go for your next lap.

Post time and number of pushups per round to comments.