Saturday, July 7, 2012


OK folks, second challenge of the summer.

This one is a flexibility challenge. Last week I had you work up to 100 pushups in a day, this week we're going to work on achilles tendon flexibility. Here's Kelly Starrett to tell you more :)

You might want to watch this video several times, since Kelly throws a lot of information into the video. Also, if you're interested in mobility/flexibility, he has a website called Start from the last page, and work your way forward. So, you have your goal:

10 minutes in the "Old World" Squat position(use a timer).

It does not have to be continuous, so if the position is uncomfortable, come out of it, shake out your legs, then squat back down. If balance is a problem(like it was for me) find something to hold on to.

Have fun, and post your experience to comments.


  1. OK! well, after watching this video I figured out that I was doing something wrong, then when I tryed it with beter form by keeping my toes parallel instead of pointing outward I completely just fell over and it was painful. I couldn't sit for ten minutes straight, but I’m typing this during my fifth minute with 30seconds in between each. HALF WAY THERE!!!! -Laura

  2. Tougher than it looks, huh? :) Good luck!
