Monday, July 9, 2012


First a note, there will be no workout at the track on Wednesday. I will post a home workout, and ask you to post result as per usual, but there's no need to go to the track unless you want to get some folks together and do it as a group.

Now, on to the fun. :)

Today's challenge:

Go a whole day without grains of any kind.

You read that right. Here are the foods to avoid:
Starchy foods like potatoes and yams

Grains are super dense in carbohydrate, and produce an insulin spike which tells your body to store energy as fat. Have you ever wondered why 'low-fat' diets have two main effects, a) you're hungry all the time, and b) the weight is so dang hard to lose? TOO MANY CARBOHYDRATES!!!!!!!!

If I could have put that in flashing letters with arrows pointing to it, I would have. Eat protein and fat, ditch the processed carbs, and lose weight.

Post your experience to comments.

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