Thursday, August 18, 2011

WOD 8/19/2011

Sorry about the late post, folks. I was tangoing last night, and when I got home the power went out. C'est la vie, non?

REMINDER: Parents' workout on Saturday, 8am, at the track. Invite your folks out for a workout on my dime. PARENTS ONLY during the workout. You may watch, and you may heckle, but you may not participate. You're taking the weekend off after 5 tough days.

"Friday Night Lights"
1 minute Pushups for reps
1 minute Squats for reps
30 seconds rest
1 minute Tire Jumps for reps
1 minute Walking Lunges for reps
30 seconds rest
400m flat-out run

This workout is designed to mimic the time domain of your show. Keep a running count of your reps for the pushups, squats, tire jumps, and walking lunges. Post number of reps completed, minus your run time(in seconds) to comments.

Someone gave me a hard time on Thursday when I mentioned 'the girls I work out with.' Just so you know, here are some examples of the kinds of girls I work out with :)