Tuesday, July 19, 2011

WOD 7/20/2011

REMEMBER! Drink at least 16oz. of water between 30-60 minutes before the workout. Make this a habit!

Pushup Ladder

Perform one pushup the first minute, two pushups the second minute, three pushups the third minute, and so on. Sets may be broken as you wish, as long as reps are completed before the next minute. You're done when you fail to complete your set within the minute.

All pushups must be a) straight body, open hip and b) full range of motion to count. Pushups may be done on knees, against a bench, whatever allows for proper position and full range of motion.

I don't normally post actual commercials for the video, but I thought this was worth it :)

Post rounds completed(and reps of last round) to comments.

And, here's some advice for making the pushups easier('The position' simply refers to keeping all those tissues tight and under control from head to toe):


  1. finally it works haha. um this is my time for the last work out. 8.45 min
    see you guys tonight

  2. 15 rounds -George Washington

  3. 10+7 reps on rings

  4. 12 + 11
    so close :p
