Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Nutrition Update

First of all, CONGRATULATIONS go out to Alex Monos, who demonstrated the full pistol on each leg! Awesome job, Alex!

After class, a few of us had a little pow-wow about nutrition, and it reminded me that I haven't really addressed it recently. The main take-away point is that we shouldn't be eating foods that we didn't evolve to eat, and we only started eating grains and any sort of processed food about 10,000 years ago, the blink of an eye in evolutionary time.

The problem with grains and sugar is that they're loaded with simple carbohydrate, which becomes sugar in the blood stream very quickly, spikes your insulin, and tells your cells to store anything and everything that comes their way. In short, you get fat.

By getting your carbohydrate from vegetables and fruit, your insulin levels stay balanced, and you get a nice steady energy throughout the day. If you feel the need for a carb hit, grab an apple or orange. I just had an awesome peach a few minutes ago. Yum :)

I repeat(from a couple weeks ago): Meats and vegetables, nuts and seeds, some fruit, little starch, and no sugar. If this is the ONLY guideline you follow, fat will melt off your body. I dare you. Go two weeks eating no grains at all(no rice, bread, pasta, etc.) and no sugar. You'll lose weight.

I dare you.

Here's Nicole Carroll from a seminar several years ago:

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