Friday, September 30, 2011

WOD 9/31/2011

Warmup with statics and some dynamic stretching.

3 Rounds for time:
400m Run
30 Tire Jumps
20 Leg Raises(legs as straight as possible)
15 Pushups

If you can do more than 20 pushups in a row, put your feet up on the tire for your pushups.

Post time to comments.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

WOD 9/28/2011

Squat/Pushup Ladder

15 rounds for total reps
Do 1 Squat and 1 Pushup the first minute, then 2 Squats and 2 Pushups the second minute, and so on for 15 minutes. If you fail to complete your reps by the end of the minute, your count for the next minute starts over.

Score is the number of rounds successfully completed, but keep working for the full 15 minutes.

Post score to comments.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

WOD 9/27/2011

For time:

25 Squats
25 Pushups
25 Walking Lunges
25 Situps
25 Burpees

Here's the 17th fittest woman on Earth picking up heavy stuff:

Sunday, September 25, 2011


How strong can you get just using your own bodyweight?

Uh, pretty strong.....


Do a pushup ladder, in the following manner:

Each rep takes 6 seconds, 2 seconds down, pause 1, 2 seconds up, pause 1

Do 1 pushup, then 2, then 3, etc. until you fail.
Rest to recovery in between.

Post experience to comments.

Be fit for the rest of your life:

Friday, September 23, 2011

Saturday Workout CANCELLED

Let's make room for Showcase, shall we? :)

Good luck to all the bands Saturday, and best of luck to the Pride of Herndon!

You may have noticed that I tend to post a lot of videos of women doing amazing things. I do this mainly because our culture has given us a warped sense of what women are capable of. I want every student to know that they are limited only by their own mind. If these women can do this, you can too.

You may also have noticed that Annie Thorisdottir makes frequent appearances here. Well, yeah, I've got a crush on her but shhhh, don't tell her. :)

Monday, September 19, 2011

WOD 9/20/2011

1 minute each for reps :

Post total score to comments.

Sunday, September 18, 2011


Accumulate 5 minutes in the Frog Stand. If you can already do 60 seconds straight, continue until it starts to get hard, then stop and continue later.

Saturday, September 17, 2011

WOD 9/17/2011

Sorry for the late post. Dominic and I had a good time this morning :)

3 Rounds for time:
400m Run
20 Kettlebell Swings, 25#
10 Pushups

If you don't have a kettlebell, use a similarly weighted dumbbell. It won't be quite the same, but it's close enough.

Post time to comments.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

WOD 9/15/2011

Burpees :)


Bottom-to-bottom Tabata Squats
20 seconds work, followed by 10 seconds 'rest' in the bottom position. Score is your worst round.

Post score to comments.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

WOD 9/14/2011


5 Pushups
10 Squats
15 Situps

Post Rounds completed, plus reps in last incomplete round, to comments.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

WOD 9/13/2011

Finger-walk out to plank, hold plank 10 seconds, finger-walk back 5 x
Pushups: 5x5 in counts of 1, 2, 3, 4, 5

4 Rounds for time: Run 200m
30 Squats
15 Leg Raises

How good is your handstand? (You've seen mine, so you know I'm no rock star :)

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Sunday Challenge

Today's challenge is going to be different. Rather than skill work, we're going to participate in a CrossFit tradition, which is to do a workout in memory of fallen heroes.

On September 11, 2001, while the towers of the world trade center were still standing, firefighters climbed 110 stories in full gear in an attempt to rescue as many people as possible. Many of those firefighters never made it back to the ground. Today, instead of skill work, this is a workout in their honor.

11 Rounds for time:
10 Chair Step-ups with as much weight as you can fit into your backpack
10 Pushups wearing the pack
10 Walking Lunges wearing the pack
10 Standing Toe Touches (straight legs) wearing the pack

Post time to comments.

What would you do in your last hour?

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

WOD 9/8/2011

Option 1, if outside:

5 Rounds for time:
100m Run
20 Burpees

Option 2, if inside:

In teams of 4:
200 Burpees
One person works at a time, doing sets of 10 reps, rotating around the group. While the one person is working, the other three hold a plank.

Post time to comments.

WOD 9/7/2011

I just couldn't let you all go without having everyone experience the wonders of tabata workouts.

Enjoy :)

For reps:
Pushups-8 rounds of 20 seconds work, followed by 10 seconds rest
Squats-8 rounds of 20 seconds work, followed by 10 seconds rest
Situps-8 rounds of 20 seconds work, followed by 10 seconds rest

Your tabata score is your lowest score for each movement. Combine all three movements for a total score.

Post score to comments.

Friday, September 2, 2011

WOD 9/3/2011

Now that Band Camp is over, students are welcome at the Saturday workouts. Beware: we're getting tougher :)

Wrist mobility
Static Holds
Jump Rope

4 Rounds for time:
100 meters Waiter's Walk with 15, 25, or 35 pounds
30 Situps
Alternate arms each round on the Waiter's Walk

Post time to comments.