Tuesday, December 6, 2011

WOD 12/7/2011

Remember, NO CLASS at 6am. Do this on your own.

For time:
100 Pullups
100 Pushups
100 Situps
100 Squats

If you do not know how to do a kipping pullup(as in the video here) do jumping pullups. Also, if you've never done this workout before, scale the reps. A good idea would be to cut the reps in half, and next time this comes up add 10 reps to each movement.

Post time to comments.

1 comment:

  1. Okay :D I decided to do the last three movements, but I had to leave to get ready for VCU 20 squats in.
    So... 16:57 for 100 pushups, 100 situps, and 20 squats.
    The pushups were the worst :p
